Our Senior Adults Ministry, XYZ’s, stands for “Extra Years of Zest".” The purpose of "Extra Years of Zest" is to strengthen, encourage, and equip our senior adults. We want to reach, teach, mentor, and love all people. XYZs is for “seasoned” adults (ages 50 and above), gives senior adults a place to continue in their faith, and show the wisdom they have achieved through experience.
XYZs offers an opportunity for Senior Adults to enjoy Christian fellowship and become more intimately involved with others in the same age group. We meet the second Friday of every month at 6PM for our regular gathering of food, fun fellowship, and a time of studying God’s word. You may retire from work, but you never retire from the work of the Lord.

Supporting Each Other
XYZs is built on a firm foundation of love and support. This group looks out for one another and makes sure everyone is taken care of. They have even started a ministry: “R.O.S.E.” which takes care of it’s shut-in community.
On The Move
Our XYZs group is always up to something good! Whether that’s through serving together during one of our local outreaches or attending Bible studies, this group loves to stay active. Throughout the year, our XYZs like to go on trips, take a dolphin cruise, or go out to eat. There is always something fun going on!
Meet Our Senior Adults Pastor
Pastor Wayne Ralph cares for the Senior Adults of our church and leads the XYZs ministry. He and his wife, Vickie, are seasoned pastors that have a heart for shepherding God’s people. They are a tremendous blessing to our church and would love to get connected with you if you are looking for a place to belong.