Navarre 1st Kids

Nursery-5th Grade

Sundays: 8AM, 9:30AM, 11AM

Wednesdays: 6:30PM

Equipping kids to KNOW, GROW, and SHOW the love of Jesus Christ!

  • KNOW

    Our ministry focuses on helping kids know who Jesus is and what the Bible says. We believe in giving children a firm foundation so they can know what they believe and why the believe it from a young age.

  • GROW

    Our goal is to help children grow in their personal walk with the Lord. As children attend our services, it is our hope that they will grow in their faith and spiritual maturity.

  • SHOW

    As children know who Jesus is and begin to grow in their faith, we train them to show their faith to those around them. Being a witness is an integral part of the Christian faith and we train our children to share the hope that they have found!


Nursery is provided in each service for infants through age 2. We have a caring team of individuals who make sure our nursery is a safe and loving environment for our babies.


Pre-K Class is held during each service for our preschool age students. This class features a Bible lesson, play time, snacks, and crafts which let the little ones have fun while also learning the Bible.


Children’s Church is for our Elementary age students. There the children have an engaging time of worship and a Bible lesson that is filled with engaging ways for kids to stay involved in what they’re learning and also have fun.

Meet our Kid’s Pastor

Meet our Children's Pastor, Jonathan Skipper! Jonathan and his wife, Nichole, have been serving the children of Navarre First for many years. Jonathan came on staff full-time in 2017, and has worked to create a fun, engaging, and safe atmosphere where kids can discover who God is and how to live Christ-centered lives. 

Kid Check

Your child's safety is our first priority. Sign in with KidCheck before service and trust that our Children's Church and Nursery teachers will make your child's visit safe and exciting.